In the Christian community, premarital counseling for engaged couples is believed to help build a strong relationship and bond. Christian counseling involves counseling offered by a therapist recommended by the church and is ideal way to create a feeling of closeness besides helping the couple lead a spiritual life to create a sense of peace and happiness. Although it requires a lot of dedication and faith, premarital counseling for couples can help build a stronger foundation between a couple besides decreasing the chances of divorce. According to a report, couples who underwent christian counseling experienced a divorce rate 30 percent lower than other couples who have not attended counseling.

Marriage can be difficult to cope with especially if both individuals constantly have a difference in opinion. Disagreements and lack of understanding are usually the main factors responsible for triggering arguments and in many cases, divorce too. Since most couples marry when they’re halfway through their lives, the possibilities of not being able to achieve certain aspirations are high and this results in dissatisfaction. Therefore, give primary importance to yourself before you decide on getting married.

Set a long-term goal with your partner. Discussing the future together with your fiancée while attending counseling for couples will help in preventing misunderstandings and benefit the both of you to a large extent.

Another issue many married couples fight about is family. At times, in-laws may be a little hard on you and your family could also be against your relationship. It is important to discuss these matters with your partner at an early stage of your relationship to avoid surprises. If both your families are happy, then you need not worry. However, you should also think about how many children you and your fiancée would like to have once you’re married. This should be a joint discussion and if you both share a difference in opinion, don’t hesitate to speak freely about it during counseling.

Resolve personal issues between you and your fiancée. As Christians, it is important to remember that being selfish is not the way to live. So, no matter what your issues may be, you and your fiancée should come to a mutual conclusion.

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